Sunday 22 August 2010

Sambal Telor Mata Kerbau

Ini I masak sambal telor mata kerbau pulak. Sambal sebenarnya ader macam-macam jenis dan bahan yang boleh digunakan, terpulang kepada selera masing-masing. Like myself I always make a basic sambal recipe that will suit most dishes and easier for me to work with. Kebanyakkan sambal menggunakan “belacan” sebagai penambah perisa but for myself since I got allergy to it so my sambal no longer has “belacan” Huwaaaaaaaa…..

Things To Have:

Yang paling penting to have is cili boh or cili blend! How to make cili blend? I will write under small foot note bawah ni yer, cili blend digunakan dalam lebih kurang 2 senduk( depends pada banyak maner meal you tu) next is bawang putih and bawang merah paste dalam dua sudu besar each. I suka guna bawang besar (yang bersaiz sederhana) sebiji dalam my sambal, manis bawang is much more nicer than manis gula. And if you suka boleh lah gunakan belacan sikit say an inch or so. Kalau suka nak masam sikit boleh tambah tamarind juice sikit or asam limau, and lastly seasoning. And not to forget; EGGS! I used like 3-4 M size fried eggs. You can use hard boiled eggs too. That is it. Simple kan bahan-bahan for my BASIC sambal?

How To Make:

Heat oil and stir fry garlic and shallot paste, once naik bau masukkan pulak cili blend tadi and continue to fry until cooked. How to know it’s cooked? The color will turn brownish or dark red and you can see “pecah minyak” then add in the sliced onion and a bit of hot water so that the sambal will have a bit of gravy (you can opt for tamarind juice too just a table spoon or so, if you like a bit of sourness in the sambal). Continue to fry until everything is cooks, don’t forget some seasoning. I always use a pinch of sugar in my sambal to balance off the sourness of tamarind or limejuice and the spiciness of the chili. Once cooked pour on the fried eggs and WALLAH!!! Sambal Telo Mata Kerbau.


Potong atau gunting cili kering halus dan buang biji nya. Cuci bersih dan rebus dalam periuk sehingga cili menjadi lembut, cukup lembut untuk dikisar. Tapis, bersihkan lagi dan dikisar sehingga lumat. Boleh tambahkan sesudu minyak biasa kedalam pengisar untuk memudahkan lagi kerja mengisar cili tersebut

1 comment:

  1. kak ina: exactly!!! mmg sedap kalau cili tu cukup masak sambal pun sedap tak payah belacan hehe..
