Tuesday 23 March 2010

Spoilt Milo!

Oh my… what happened last night was scaring me till today I normally feed Diya Milo drink in small packets since she has stopped breast feeding late last year. Due to her eczema condition she cant tolerate any dairy or powdered milk and Milo is the only product her body can accept without severe allergy and so I always buy her the small packets (she refuses to take the bigger size pack don’t know why) and she dinks it almost few packs everyday. So far so good, until last night… she took the Milo from her drawer(I always keep few packs there so she knows and able to reach it whenever she wants it) and gave it to me saying ‘air mimo.. air mimo..’ I took the pack and inserted the tiny straw and without tasting it first I just let her drink but few seconds after her face change like ‘tak sedap’ face! Terus I amik air kotak tu and rasa.. MY GOD, masam n memualkan!!!!!!! Air kotak tu baru bukak jer bukan dah terbuka n terbiar. Then I amik sekotak lagi n taste again, sama!!!!! Masam jugak!!!!! Aiyo! I gone panicking.. macam maner nih??? Bukan panik air tu masam tapi panik sbb tak tau berapa kotak yang dah diya minum yang rosak! Sbb dlm drawer tu I ader letak like few packs n as I remembered at least two packs dia dah minum! And all this scary thoughts came! Keracunan lah, severe vomiting lah, diarrhea ke aiyoyoyoyo… so semalam I pujuk Diya minum air suam though she only sip sikit2 but still I pujuk lah and waited till 3am to see if there is any side effects and Alhamdulillah none… she slept soundly, mengigau sikit2 lah. Only around 11pm diya berak cirit and only that once..

Now the prob is that I keep on blaming myself for what has happened, how can I bagi anything to my pumpkin without me tasting it first??? Maybe sebab selama nih everything OKAY jer and so I took things for granted. I am the adult but I never think like an adult.. malas ke? Tak kisah ke? Over confident ker? I should have known better, walaupun benda tu ready packed ke from kilang tu but surely ader defect products or maybe masa kedai tu simpan dlm storeroom tu tempat yang panas ke.. normally I beli from TESCO but lately selalu out of stock n habis so I beli lah kat kedai2 runcit nearby my mom’s place nih and yes they keep in storeroom mostly sbb display rack diorang tu kecik and I always beli banyak. Macam maner pun I still kata my fault sbb tak bother nak rasa dulu aper yang I bagi kat Diya.

Mumy sorry diya…


  1. Salam Sue... lama tak menjengah ke sini... :) Pekabo? Hope everything is fine..

    Sian diya minum milo masam... wahhh agak menakutkan gak air kotak ni kan? huhuhuh

  2. sue, alamak siannya diya..tapi aku rasa yg sebekum ni ok kot ..sebab kalau tak mesti dia tunjuk muka kelat gak kan ...sib baik suma ok kan ...:)

    aku bg gak Q milo tapi selalunya maid aku yg watkan utk aku, then aku sumbat sket kat Q . aku takmo galakkan dia minum coklat sgt nanti dia takmo susu plak... but in diya case, coz she cant tolerate ngan dair products...so just give the best for her lah kan .. as long as dia suka dan tak memilih ...

  3. helo niza...

    betul lah u cakap tu i akan pk kenapa tak buat nih tak buat mcm tuh??? but true maner kita nak tau benda tu nak jadi n i must be more alert lah lain kali. thanx lah for comforting me here hehe.. u takecare too. keep intouch.

  4. helo nini...

    tu la sangat menakut kan sbb pack baru.. u better always check anything given to ur baby too tau heheh..
