Friday 26 March 2010

Internet ..

I got my self a new spot in da garden which I am more comfortable with. Another garden table set in da middle of garden and more tersembunyi coz my mom’s frens suka visit n sit with them early morning kat depan tu and I rasa semacam plak bila they look at me like im a sick person! Err.. how I wish my internet wifi dapat cepat so I boleh berinternet sesenang kat garden ni pagi2 hehe.. I am surrounded with GREENS while im writing this and to my dear fren milie; tetiba I teringat kat u yang suka online awal pagi(I guess dats da best time for u lah sbb kiddos still sleeping kan hehehe?) and ur place also have nice garden view right?
Yesterday finally my ex-off colleague dating and buat internet testing at my mom’s place here in Gombak and great ader reception!!!! Good one too! So now I dah ader internet here cuma dok tunggu them bawakkan I WIFI plak so I tak payah pakai cable to da modem n be stuck at one spot je in da house. I am using AMAX from Asiaspace; something like P1 wimax lah but diff company and dis company dulu I kerja situ but dat time belom ader wifi services only after I left baru they launch internet service nih.. lucky kat Sri Gombak dah ader satu tower and so signal tu sampai jugak lah kat rumah nih.. rezeki Allah bagi.. moga2 I tak lah terlalu leka ngan internet and still spend more time with Diya hehehe..
Sambil tulis sambil I tengok pokok bunga kenanga depan I nih hehe.. and my mom is sitting outfront with her fren there.. chit chat.. I notice culture kat sini is the elderly always starts their day very early morning with walks then they stop pulak chit chatting then sambung borak ngan org lain pulak, ader jugak yang suka datang join minum kat rumah nih and ader yang siap datang bawak kuih lah breakfast for us here! Agaknyer nanti I tua2 I pun mcm tu jugak ek? Hehe.. nice oldies here but still not my thing lah.. I still prefer my early morning to be breakfast kat shopping malls like coffee shops with WIFI connection hehe… I still suka bawak Diya jalan2 awal pagi to Ikea, McDonalds ke or sometimes starbucks n coffeebean.. don’t get me wrong yah, kalau breakfast ngan diya je kat tempat2 mcm tu will only cost me rm15 da most and set tuh always comes with drinks too! Of coz lah I share ngan diya maner I boleh habis kan alone pun, sometimes I order kan diya like donut ke and some fun drinks! Lepas makan, I bawak diya gi beli groceries sikit ke then let her walk sampai dia penat then balik lah… and my rutine at home starts pulak.. sebelom keluar awla pagi tu I siap keluarkan butter n my buttercream lah so by da time I balik everything soften n ready to use. I’ll quickly masak lunch ( I think lepas nih I can starts to cook awal pagi lah like lepas subuh) and start my baking thingy lah… now that i
Dah ader helper so senang sikit I organize my baking schedule. Benefit that I guna cake chiller so I can bake mass 2 days early n have da next day design cakes je.
I must learn more on writing blog lah.. semalam I baca my fren’s blog ader one lady comments that she bila write her own blog tak nak lah org baca n tak dapat ape2 info from it and yeha I think she is so true.. then bila I baca my other blog list, yes most of them mesti ader info and links sekali in every topic they write. So I kena blaja menulis mcm tu.. I pun nak my frens yang baca my blog leave with happy thoughts after reading it. Actually blogging helps me a lot.. kalau dulu everyday I will bug my frens(most of them are still in corporate world n will be at da office) coz I am bored or just simply nak berbual or even when things came to cross my mind. But now I blog.. I will write whatever I feel and yang best tuh ader komen from other frens jugak to my writings hehe..
Hmm.. diya pun dah bangun mintak her cartoon tuh, I better layan her kejap n post dis story after dat..

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