Wednesday 31 March 2010

Early Heavy Breakfast

Big Breakfast.

Hari ni we all had huge breakfast; nasi putih with sambal telor mata kerbau and some potato wedges. As for my mom pulak her sambal is sambal udang petai with hot palin rice. Fries for my pumpkin and some pisang tanduk goring. Drinks I hav the tarik home made and maid made herself serai milk, hot tea foe my mom… so all da food was like makan tengah hari pulak.

Then I feel not so good… mata pedih lah kepala berangin lah.. so I suspected my mac lah buat I mcm nih… myb I am too focused kan? Tho I can control da brightness of da screen tapi myb I push myself too hard.. I have so many ideas since internet came here. I was thinking to create a malay simple cooking website of my own or even better buat E-book for my recipes. Myb hajat I nak tulis buku n jual akhirnya boleh dicapai.. but to make all dis happen I kena banyak buat research. I kena make my recipes penuh infos bukan setakat tulis aper nak masak n mcm maner nak masak, I kena put more effort and write more like nutritional facts ke, history of the dish ke or things like that. And for that I kena scout other websites and see how they write their recipes. I kena beli buku2 n read, magazines and yeah loads of work. At da same time I can learn to write; itulah tujuan utama dulu I ber blogging sbb I nak belajar menulis and cooking is what I think I am good at.


  1. Adoi, sambal udang petai yg den tak tahan fav! Shodap-shodap nya makanan breakfast dia :D

    Waaa nak buat e-book...caiyok caiyok Sue!

  2. sedapnye sue....mmg xthnla bab smbl petai tu..yumm!

  3. intan: haha, dah kebuntuan idea tu yg makan pagi tapi lauk mcm makan tgh hari/malam!!!

    ummi: sambal petai udang tu sue tak leh makan sbb pedas my mom jer lah yag makan sorang tapi mmg nampak sedap betul..

  4. Actually Sue, I like how you do your recipe here. Senang nak follow and tak perlu cari ingredients yang susah.

    Maybe you can do a book on quick recipes for the working mothers? Just a suggestion.

  5. helo kak D! im like so terperanjat to see u here heheheheh..

    eh, adik mmg berangan nak tulis buku resipi. and in da beginning pun mmg adik niat nak tulis especilly for carrer frens yg always complain masak tu susah n takder masa nak masak. since i dulu kerja teruk jugak but still i can cook all these things fast2 so i plan to share my cooking system with all of them.. but tak semua baca my blog and so i posted some under my notes in my FB too so more ppl can view.

    since ur a writer kan myb u can guide me? takper lah kalau i canot jual my books pun as long i know banyak org baca n happy trying them i pun sgt happy.
