Tuesday 23 June 2009

Tahu Goreng Bercili


4 pieces of soft fresh tofu,

red chilies as u like... the more the merrier eheheh ( cleaned and chopped coarsely)

1 Onion chopped coarsely,

Some asam keeping (asam gelugur),


Few drops of apple cider (any vinegar will do)


Cut tofu into big cubes and deep fried, and put aside. Clean Chilies and remove all the seeds. Coarsely dice chilies and onions or just dump everything into an electric chopper like I always do eheheh… heat little oil and fry onions and chilies, put in the asam gelugur and continue to fry until it dries. Add seasoning and apple cider continues to fry few more minutes and serve on the fried tofu.


  1. Actually I have a lot of food pics too..tapi tak ter-post post. Ingatkan nak letak je gambar, without the resipi. Haiii it's the big M word again *Malas* :D

  2. Masa kecik2 I tak suka tauhu..tapi skrg ok, tempe pun! I usually fry tempe with a bit of serbuk kunyit & garam and for the sauce I make the kicap pedas i.e. cili api sikit, garlic 1-2 pcs, gula merah (yg putih nye pun ok), air asam, kicap manis. Cicah la tauhu, tempe..goreng pisang pun (actually we learned this when we stayed in Johor more than 20 years ago..everytime we bought goreng pisang, mesti they all bagi cicah ni sekali..!)

  3. ahahaha... eh, i think i shld try ur kicap cicah tu la! true also makan ngan tahu n tempe goreng sedap!!!! post ur recipe la so i can try them too... masak hari2 sampai takder idea nak masak aper dah muahahah...
