Friday 17 July 2009



Why lately you are a such picky eater? You just wont eat... Sometimes mumy had to make 3 dishes just so you will eat something... Are you growing more tooth?

Why lately u whine so much? Almost all the time.. You cling on me, pull my shorts, pull my shirts and hug me tight always... Why? you are never gonna loose mumy dear... I will always be there for you... i even leave the toilet door open just to let you know I'm there... Eheheh...

Why lately u easily gets upset? Grumpy everytime you couldn't get what you want, sometimes you just get upset over nothing or myb mumy just didn't get you at that time? You cant reach the ball you will get angry, anything...

Why do you sleep so late lately? Almost everynite mumy like a 'jaga' already coz you just wouldn't sleep.. At 1 in the morning you are still fresh to play! And mumy had to be awake to make sure you dont get yourself hurt, like slipped ker, fell down ker, or reach anything you are not suppose to...

And lastly...

Why mumy couldn't understand what you're talking about most of the time?


  1. chern: tu la betul kata ko tuh kadang2 mcm ribut, kadang2 mcm tasik jerk ahahha...

    real woman: betul la, kadang2 tu mmg tension tapi lepas marah i rasa lega dah tu guilty palk marah2 diya huhuhuh..... parenting is very difficult la.. i must teach and learn at da same time wa... masa amik degree dulu tak plak ader subjek mcm ni eheheh... really salute u la ader kerjaya and anak at da same time.

  2. haha! I like yr last sentence. Everytime i remember how Diya talks, i laugh to myself. She's so cute!

    Damian also gives me the same problems, so I guess its a phase all kids go thru.

  3. ya ya i ketawa also bila diya bercakap but not nice la nanti dia ingat i make fun of her pulak... so i try not to laugh bila dia try to communicate to me(very susah wooo)

    i guess ur rite kids go through phases... im quite worried she belom bercakap lagi la...

  4. hahahah..aku suka ah muka diya time dia pegi dekat2 ko then cakap .."eh ..&*&^%R^Y" bhs german dia tuh! ahahhaha...part eh yg mahal tuh! wakkaka... clever girl!!

  5. sue, understand ur worries. hmm...y not go ask for pediatrician's advise about it? at least lega sikit hati u nanti bila doc dah explain to u apa kejadah dgn diya. hehe my suggestion only la. i'm the type curiosity kills the monkey!

  6. ahahha... watie mmg kelakar.. aku ader snap video lain pada msa tu tapi aku suka yg ni ahahaahah.. mmg kelakar..

    chern: good idea beb!!! i think i better ask la is it normal? even damian yg alot younger pun dah sebut things dita can only say nak, oh no, mi, and she talks like on da video most of da time... myb im da one who needs da advice kan? aku salah tutor ker? myb la...

  7. ya ya just go and ask the doc la. at least find out about it now, boleh lah u tau apa nak buat nanti dgn mulut zip dia. hehehe. my sis's fren's anak umur 3thn dah, masih zip mulut dia jugak. tapi tak tau la apa kata doc kat anak dia. not ur fault la fren, lainlah kalo u ambik buku teks kemahiran hidup and read to her, pasal tu dia malas nak bukak mulut layan mak dia.hahahaa. relaks dulu ya...make an appointment with the doc ok.

  8. That is what we call a process of 'Learning & exploring' heheehhe

  9. salam kenal Sue...

    Diya cakap bahasa pe tu, Jerman ka? hihihi

  10. new here! your daughter is soooooo cute! macam cakap or russia pun ada gak tuh. cute!!!
