Tuesday 7 July 2009

MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in CAR SEAT Contest

Hello moms out there…

Recently I just got to know that one of the mom’s blogger communities that I have joined is promoting Cutest Baby Photo Contest throughout the year. I guessed I have missed half of the year due to my busyness with baking eheheh… so I am not going to miss this one. The theme for July is Cutest Baby in CAR SEAT! I really hope Diya can win ehehehe….

This is my little pumpkin Diya Zafeerah age 1 year and 10 months born on 20th September 2007

~~~~Diya grows as well as her Car Seat ~~~~

She eats and sleeps in her seat nicely…

DIYA…. Snap... snap..!!

Her cat toy calms her every time in her car seat!

She has grown sooo much so we had to get her a bigger car seat…

I always have the car seat for Diya even if we are using a different car…

~~~~The story~~~~

The first thing I have ever got for Diya once I knew bout my pregnancy was the car seat. This is because I knew I will be traveling a lot with her alone; to supermarkets, shopping malls, to my mom’s place and everywhere else (I am a fulltime housewife ahaks...). So one day I saw this offer they had in ‘planet of Infants’ bangsar branch the stroller comes with the car seat as a set instead of buying them separately. Diya 1st car seat was Preego brand rm950 but with the promotion going on I was able to get the stroller and the attached car seat for RM2000 NETT. The car seat can be attached to the stroller so I don’t have to carry out Diya from car seat to her stroller and vice versa. I was able to mobile easily with her buckled safely in her seat through out my driving eheheh… she is right beside me all the time, with her cat toy make things easier for me because she is more calm with it. If she gets cranky at anytime I will just stop at the road side (a safe spot of cause) and breast feed her for a while.

At one time I had an experience where I did not put Diya on her car seat one night because I was just going out for a while nearby to tapau food. Somehow I missed a huge bumped and went over! Lucky I was able to hold Diya’s head with one hand from knocking the dash board! I regret that night until today, it was totally my mistake. Car Seat is so IMPORTANT!

Later she grows bigger and taller and couldn’t fit in the seat anymore huhuhuhu… I had to get her a new one… since her 1st car seat only lasted for about 1 year and 2 months; I decided to get her a cheaper version of the car seat ahahahah… kids grow soooo fast and I learnt my lesson not to buy too expensive gadgets anymore eheheh… so I went and look for the one she would like and finally I found one! In Anakku, Curve Damansara RM469. She loves the velvet material and PINK color. (How I know she likes pink is because they had it in two colors pink and blue so I made her choose and three times she will sit on the pink one! Ehehehe…). With the bigger car seat it can still be in three positions where she can be comfortable to sleep in. I trained her to seat at the back of the car slowly and she is very happy in her car seat until today and I know she will always be safe back there…

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Dear frens and readers, come and join me in this contest and click on the link above.


  1. alahai, tomeinya diya tidur ...gaya ganaz tuh ..but looks pretty yeah ...seronokkan masuk contest? heheh

  2. ahahah tu la for da FUN of it aku pun join ahahah...

  3. Gewam nyeee dengan gambar diya titun dlm car seat yg warna pink tu....comel bangat tuuu!

    P/s: Ado can monang nie ;) Gud luck ye!

  4. eheheheh... tq beb, ni diya's 1st contest harap2 menang a eheheh...

  5. ahahaha, tq tq tq eheheh sama la diya tu cuma sue selalu pancing ngan tit bits la like biskut ker coco crunch ker kadang2 lalu mcd drive thru beli dia mcd chicken nuggets jer then dia senyap la eheheh...

  6. Diya is soo cute!! I'm voting for DIYA!!

  7. tq beb tq tq tq... rezeki i lah dapat baby cute.i hope they stay cute la ehehehe but mostly turnout jadi rascals kan huhuhuhu, pening kepala..

  8. wow so cute :) we dont have car seat. As I carry my boy with me when seat infront if back just seat together.

  9. eheheh... can also la but still very important la, get one la for ur boy?
