Friday 13 November 2009

Play Group for Diya

Asik sibuk pasal diri sendiri jer sampai terlupa nak blog pasal Diya and her playgroup session! I decided to get Diya socializing in a play group held at Fatin's home in Taman Tun. The programme is called Alimkids. This play group is something like Gymboree and Tumble tots offer but some additional is they have snack time and art session even for a 2 years old toddler. In each module they have a specific topic; that week Diya learnt SHAPES. Even the snack food was prepared in various shapes hhehehe... Whole programme has 6 modules and each module has 8 classes held once a week with 6 children in a group.

Diya was quite difficult to mingle around at 1st but later when she sees other kids so she starts to make frens … almost to everyone there she talks to (in her language which sounds like German hahahha) right at their face. She learnt to assemble small blocks, make shapes from playdoh, what's a tooth brush and tooth paste, colors, singing, dancing and many more just in one whole hour. But the trial class was for module 3 so later Diya's own age module will be different then module 3 which is more for older kids...

Yes of coz la Diya drama kat saner, buat hal sendiri, play as her wish not like other kids yang more focus to the teacher. She also still clingy on me and most of the time I was running around to get Diya back to the group hahhha... but Teacher Fatin was great, she was very patient with Diya and also other kids. I am very happy to have Diya in her group… see you soon teacher heheheh…


  1. First time Diya playgroup..memang la kekok sikit. Selama ni dok dgn mummy je kan :)
    U look good wearing tudung..!

  2. yes. i agree with SOHO Mama.. U look good wearing tudung! why not you put it as your profile picture.. :)
