Tuesday 3 November 2009

My View...

This morning I woke up feeling anxious to WRITE! All I could ever think since last night is to write and more writing hehe... all this is because I just found a way that I can write on Microsoft Words and publish straight away to my blog or any where I want online provide they're linked to Microsoft Word software.. Hehe... this make my writing sooo much easier as befor I always have to write and save then later copy paste to my blog which I find them soo messy to do and thus makes me very LAZY to write.. but now I hope I'm no longer having writing problems besides to get the time right ehehehe…

" Amilita Zaini: Yup you should always "stop & smell the roses" or in your case stop and enjoy the view :)" I quote my fren's saying to me yesterday and made me think to write this today heheheh… yeah, the pictures are exactly what I see every day morning and night. Views are from my room balcony and sliding door backyard.. GREEN.. sooooo GREEN! So much peace.. the neighborhood is WELL GUARDED 24/7(believe me guards are very strict on outsiders or visitors) and maintained by paid landscapers.. every road has a different theme of garden like mine is ROMAN and they have Japanese(mostly bamboo trees and mini Japanese bridges with Japanese decorations) and Balinese(bigger and heavier trees, very shady) too.. most of the time people jog around the neighborhood or merely walking with kids on most evenings. Old folks just love to walk on the green grass without their shoes(I guess it's some kind of therapy or what..) EVERYDAY I wake up and have these views to look at. My GOD; I am the lucky one to be able stay home, work from home and jaga my cute baby diya.. I can even have my own sweet time to write, be online every day, and play blocks with Diya and such… I'm very grateful for this.

At this very moment I'm on my coffee table with a cup of tea; writing this and I plan to write many things to day.. I think this is the best spot in the house for me to sit and relax while I have my laptop on my lap writing with nice view. Or maybe I can have an outdoor spot later hmmm… kena pegi Ikea nih carik nice comfy chair for me to sit outside(there is still space to put table n chairs) hehehe.. I LOVE most of the evening's time where everything is so bright and beautiful.. Bird chirping on the trees and I can even see small bees on flowers very early morning.

Maybe I don't have a HUGE house with fancy facilities but yeah… I have my "view" and very grateful for it.


  1. So cantik! So green! I LIKE!
    Eh rumah you ok lah besar jugak..and your neighbourhood is really nice..

  2. hehe... really ke millie? like rumah teres la kot kan? i wish i have a bigger house sometimes.. bile tgk frens ader bunglow hehe.. but then again, my kecik house pun tak terlarat nak kemas n im always takut dok rumah so just imagine kalau rumah i besar hahhaha... dok dlm bilik je la jawabnyer..

    yeah da kawasan ni bagus ek i suka sbb very privacy even kereta susah nak kuar masuk and da road are wide, senang visitors nak park kereta.

    thanx again for da compliment.

  3. wow.. didn't know the place has so much greenery. And yeah, you should count your lucky stars. The only view i have from 9-6 is my desk.

  4. wah...serius memang the view is soooooo beautiful. seronoknyer kalau dapat duduk kat rumah pagi2 melayan semua 2 nih..haihhh....u r so lucky sue! ;)

  5. bie: yeah i never realize it too!!!! and im now counting my stars everyday hehe.. haha... put more pictures n ur desk la hehe..

    emy: ha kita baru perasan la emy dulu kita tak bother sgt nak tgk kat luar mcm skang nih.. sbb maid dah clean da house so tak kisah la nak bukak sliding door selalu hehehehe... tu la kita nasib baik kan.. grateful sooooo much. dok rumah still make pocket money hehe..

  6. u r so LUCKY in so many ways!! n many women would envy u.. especially about being able to stay at home (such a nice home) with ur cute kid! a perfect minimal-stress life that is.
    agree with ur fren debbie.. you should count your lucky stars.
