The moment I conceived my baby I can’t wait to get checked and confirmed me being pregnant. I got few testers and still negative… sad… but recently I have been eating a lot, can’t tolerate certain smells but not too strong still manageable and doubtful hehehhe… Then I thought; what the heck just get myself to the hospital and get everything done instead of me being puzzled most of the time. Wallah… I AM PREGNANT!
I was shaking when I got out of the doctors room… shivering still and I drove back home…. The first person I told was Debbie, my only life friend and she goes... what? Ahahahha… only us understands that tone… heheh... Later told my hubby and of coz he’s glad+proud as ever could be hehehe. The next day I tender my resignation heheheh…
My 1st craving food was char kuew teow! At first it doesn’t matter so much but the craving gets worse every hour... I just got to have it! Woke up dady to be still he never bothered. I lay down again in bed and still can’t stop thinking of the bloody food. Ini tak boleh jadi ni I say; bangun la bawak saya makan char kuew teow! Saya tak tahan la pening asyik pk nak makan ni. Bangun la! And I started to cry… at that point I MUST HAVE CHAR KUEY TEOW! It was 5 in the morning and the only place I know to get late night food was Bangsar and so we drove there… just a little taste and I was sooooo relieved!
Love and Hate
I love to cook sooooo much! At that time I feel like having a boy so in my mind was ‘oh my baby nanti jadi chef kot?’ heheheh…. Everyday I must cook. Until one day I started to sell rice packs! Everybody love my cooking… until i'm 7 months I still pack rice for lunch for office people and everybody started to worry me being too pregnant and doing all heavy work and so I stopped… Another thing I love so much to do is walk. Everyday after the heavy cooking still I will go to the mall and walk sometimes the whole day even… I also love English sopras. My have to watch that time was ER – Emergency Room and favors Dr Carter. Everyday and night I have to watch the series. On Sundays I will do marathon series on ER!
I hate to watch any Hindi movies during my pregnancy. Serious! Let’s say I try to ill get headache on the spot. So I only watch English movies and very motherly type like always on hallmark channel. Then later I start to watch cartons which I never favor of any of them before… another thing I hate the most is the smell of deodorant and armpits… huhuhuhu… I can never tahan my own smell till one day I call Debbie up and cry to her; how ni bie aku tak tahan bau ketiak aku sendiri huhuhuhu… ya ya… funny but it was soooo true. She as usual full with information told me to get crystal salt type deodorant which has no smell and neutral. Oh again my problem solved! Until now I still wear the same crystal thingy heheheh…
So there is me and my baby inside me growing… I eat more everyday and gain more every minute! Food that I never like to eat change to I love to eat and food I love to eat change to I can’t eat that! Everyday all I do is walk in malls, or flea market, I cook still for family only and started baking too, at night I always have problem to sleep so I’ll watch TV until the TV watches me… heheheh… I never take any medicine no matter how sick I was; not even light cough syrup. Was so scared any drugs can harm my baby, so if I get sick I will just bare till I’m well enough to walk in malls again...
Its time!
It was on fasting month and we were having our ‘sahur’. I cooked some over the night before and reheat everything in my mini microwave early morning. It’s not so difficult for me to wake up so early coz I can hardly sleep. I wanted to have my slice of pizza from last night and suddenly I feel like my period is coming! I looked down n checked, slight blood on my panty and very wet! I panicked and started to cry… why I am crying there was no pain at all just little blood n water jerk! I slowly get my self clean and finish my slice of pizza (hehehhe, still can makan), change clothes and off to the hospital.
It was around 8.30 and I was only 2cm opening huh? How many hours more? at first I only feel like period pain but little stronger but as minutes passes by the pain becomes greater and worsen. By 9.30 it was only another cm more opening! My GOD! Give me epidural! And there later was I with Debbie visiting me in the labor room, we had some laughs while waiting me to fully open.
My gyne finally arrived from his vacation in Melaka as I insist to have him instead of other doctors on duty heheheh… Now I’m fully ‘opened’ and ready to have Diya! They switched off my ‘magic pain killer’ the epidural and within few minute I start to feel the PAIN ahahahhha… they can see her head down there like a 50 cent coin and keep saying to me sue, berak! Berak! As I only feel like to berak that time every time the contraction come heheheh… then doctor came in and start to ‘work’ on me, I can see he tried vacuuming Diya out twice attempt and still cant. After 3 hours in there finally he decides to CUT me open! Their main concern is to save the baby first! Now everybody’s face starts to change! Doctor went out and explains the complications I was having and I’m pretty sure everybody started worrying already….
Diya was borne…
They got me ready for the operation theater and moved me on a stretcher straight to the operation room. There the music was on and everybody was so calm and relaxed while joking among them. My doctor came in with his tool bag and spread them on my leg instead of having everything on a table where I can see them. He was so cool and very understanding of how ‘penakut’ I was so he made things very calm and peacefully even hide the scary tools away for me… after awhile I can feel Diya pop out and after few seconds I can hear the lovely tiny winy little cry she made! I expected a loud cry like I always see on TV but instead it was so cute and just a little cry. They took her to me and show it’s a GIRL and strait away cleaned her.

Her head was slightly squared due to twice attempts of vacuuming

She already opened her cute big eyes…
After two days borne.

She had jaundice so we were stuck there for a week.

First day at home and we introduced her to ‘cat’…. And our lives begin...
Sweet memories of having Baby Diya Zafeerah