Oh dear... My Diya is not well.. Mula-mula sekali-dua jer dia cirit, tapi lama-lama makin kerap pulak. Sampai sehari 5 pampers berganti. Baru tukar satu dah kena ganti baru lagi sekali. I thought nak tunggu sehari dulu baru bawak pegi klinik pakar kanak-kanak kat depan tu tapi tak sampai hati pulak lah bila tengok Diya cirit-birit macam tu, so malam tu we went to see the doctor and get her checked.
I explained to the doctor that on Saturday Diya had pizza which that was her 1st pizza. We had the Cheesy Volcano Pizza cause we thought that would be FUN for Diya. Then the next day Diya asked for the same thing; pizza again! And so we went.. Earlier the day Diya had mushroom soup, cereal with milk for lunch and pizza for dinner. Later she had vanilla ice cream for desert. And everything started that midnight. One after another until myself pun penat nak bangun tengah malam lagi. Sebab terlalu kerap kena cuci Diay's private part tu naik rashes. Very red and I'm sure very painful lah. Diya has eczema and too much water will dehydrate her skin and trigger rashes, her body tempreture pun naik jugak sikit. I was worried quite much until I get to see the doctor. After the checkup doctor concluded that Diya has Lactose Intolerant and Dairy Overdose. she prescribed Diya with Probiotix from Bio-Life, ORS for her diarrhea and some salt water for energy, also flu and fever syrup for her runny nose and body temperature. Doctor told me not to worry because Diya is not dehydrated. She is very active playing and should be ok in a couple of days. I teringat masa kecik dulu Diya got admitted to the hospital due to the same reason only that time she was vomiting quite much, in fact the whole night! 3 days admitted with full drips. I wrote about this in my previous posting.
Today is her fourth day having diarrhea but she is a lot better now. Kurang sikit cirit-birit, gap from one another pun dah makin jarak. She has more energy, selera makan pun makin baik and dia lebih ceria main her toys! Alhamdulillah.. Bersyukur sangat. Lega jugak myself tak payah bangun tengah malam lagi hehehe... Lega betul rasanya dapat main ngan Diya like she always do.. Moga Allah panjangkan umur both myself and her so that she will grow to be anak yang solehah and myself pulak sihat nak membesarkan dia. Insyaallah..
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