Hey there… today is a bit relaxing day for me after all the hectic cake supply shopping yesterday I had… huh!!! Weather was so HOT yesterday and I had to carry 12kg Diya on my shoulder most of the time when she fell asleep. When she's awake she'll be on my pinggang pulak hehe... sebelah dukung diya n sebelah lagi angkat bakul! Yeah, supermom I am hehee... and this morning I wake up feeling LAZY to do anything but stay in bed with diya and my laptop and so I write… besides that I'm also browsing Ikea's catalog looking for the rite things to get for my Small-Home-Office in my room.. Should I get the work station where everything is compact and doesn't take much space on the floor??? Or maybe I just need a laptop table beside my bed? Since I'm most of the time EVERYWHERE in the house... but that wouldn't be an office then hehe… I need a proper table n chair for me to do my online work, my hobby to write and everything else I normally do with my laptop especially during Diya's nap time haha. At the moment I'm always at my magazine reading corner or on the bed in my room until I get back pain that is hehe… in the kitchen I have my bar stool so while I cook I'm still with my laptop hhahaha… of coz la dah sume recipe pun ader dlm laptop! And I definitely can't live without FACEBOOK!!!! If I'm at my living area, coffee table will be the place I hangout facing the garden on my backyard with a cup of Nescafe hehehhe... so I really think I need a still spot for myself hahahahha… I think a simple table and a comfortable chair would be perfect for me. What do you think?
you will still need a fixed corner somewhere in the house as your official 'workstation' area..to place your laptop(when you are there), probably some docs/materials/stationery etc..
ReplyDeletesince your home is your office and you work on a laptop instead of a desktop..then it is not a problem to move around.. just have a table and chair available at some other corners of the house for you to place your laptop and work. and that need not be another workstation..just another available space.
hehehe... exactly! i need a small spot for my self. and yeah i got one already!!!! i got my self a nice big table with comfy office chair. will blog about it soon heheheh...