I have this with me lately!!! YES, I have to start bookkeeping for pumpkinmumycupcakes!!!! Pening… my costing will mostly be on grams/kg for every bahan im using for EACH of my cakes! Pening jugak la lama tak brush up my number skills heheheh… all this while I always think; alar business kat rumah jerk… but dat business dah grow and im loosing track of my supplies pricing, my in/out money: for capital, or simply drawings??? Heheheh sume ROJAK! Asal boleh jerk… it is quite difficult to have a template for my costing and pricing sbb all my pricing varies la… harga turun & naik often so I kena buat by projek. Meaning guna current pricing, whatever is the price on dat day or month maka yang tu la I kena guna… kadang2 nasib I baik so untung lebih, kadang2 nasib kurang baik n harga barang naik so I untung kecik… selagi boleh I kena maintain my price… sbb tu la PENTING sang at to have bookkeeping nih! Im even too lazy to keep all my receipts! Haihh la sue… kata Bachelor Degree in Accounting… macam maner ni beb??? that's what I keep telling to myself hahahahha... I better get another set of calculator too, berebut ngan diya la plak nak pakai calculator… diya pun nak jadi macam mumy ker? Kira duit??? Dulu kira duit org, skang kena kira duit sendiri huhuhuhuh… lagi pening kepala hehe...
On top of that, I plan to have a new blog template for my blog nih… not my cupcakes blog; yang tu dah too many gadgets I pasang jadik leceh kalau nak tuka skin lagi… I mean my plan is to tuka my personal blog nih... nak rasa macam HOMEY sikit hehe so I can 'bertandang' lebih lama kat sini... write more and just hang around my blog.. I'm actually looking for a fresher look... like more white and flowery and happy sbb my concept will be on myself... Diya and my cooking. So I need to have a skin yang shows ME! Dah 3-4 hari jugak la I search blog template nih but belom settle down on any... I'll try again later tonight...
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