Ahah!!!! Finally I got my own space to sit and have my work done! I am a very happy woman now hahahahah… I have my own desk and space to have my files, my letters and more personal things.. most important is MY things eheheheh…. Ill get the accessories later like my document/ letter trays set, filing box, magazine file set, storage rack for writing materials, a nice table lamp and such..
When I was choosing which I want for my space of coz I was sooo tempted with all the expensive and all those fancy type of work station. But to think again.. do I need those? And keep asking myself what exactly I need and not what I WANT. I need a table and comfy chair since I'm like only all day long(even when I'm baking ill bring my laptop with me). So what I did was , I got the table and chair according to my other things in my room so I can save money instead of buying more things like chest of drawers ke as a addition to my space and instead I use my side table. Shelf on the top I got long before for my 1st version of space(u can refer to my older posts heheheh) so it was just nice everything matches and doesn't take much space in my room. Well yeah, some people might think I'm crazy to have my office space in my room hehehe… saper yang sanggup tido and tengok kerja dia ader depan mata kan heheheh but for me senang sikit la sebab closer to the door and diya's play room is da room beside so I can watch her playing while I do my work..
Mesti many think eh, sue buat aper sgt ek sampai nak kena ader office la, even dalam rumah sendiri??? Bukan dia jual kek je ker??? Well.. true, I sell cakes.. home baked but I need to do my online marketing, research and study things online like recipes, designs especially from matsalleh nyer websites.. I then have a hobby of writing things on my blog, now I have started compiling my documents and receipts for all those 3 years I dah start business and must start my book keeping soon! On top of all that yeah I FACEBOOKING ahahaha… and on Instant messaging all the time as my business is 'kedai online' so I must be approachable at all times la.. reply emails, send quotations, look for opportunities like people yang nak cater my cakes in bulks.. so kira I rely on thenet n my computer heavily. All this while I do all these everywhere in the house, on my bed mostly, on the floor sometimes while diya is playing, coffee table, dining table and my things are all over the house heheheheh…so now I am a much happier woman sitting comfortably on my spot typing this!!! Heheheh… I don't really care la kalau ader org nak baca my blog or not but I just like to write. I have my pending compiling recipes project which I can start doing now. To think again kan, non of my family members ever bother to compile our family recipes.. so why not I start??? Kan?? Maner la tau later I can write recipe books pulak??? Hahahha…
So, let me know what all of you think of my space? Wat else do I need to top up? Heheheh…
The next day i went to get myself a plant and some picture frames heheheh...
and still improving...
i am testing this comment as one of my fren say she cant post any comment here.