Friday, 13 November 2009

Play Group for Diya

Asik sibuk pasal diri sendiri jer sampai terlupa nak blog pasal Diya and her playgroup session! I decided to get Diya socializing in a play group held at Fatin's home in Taman Tun. The programme is called Alimkids. This play group is something like Gymboree and Tumble tots offer but some additional is they have snack time and art session even for a 2 years old toddler. In each module they have a specific topic; that week Diya learnt SHAPES. Even the snack food was prepared in various shapes hhehehe... Whole programme has 6 modules and each module has 8 classes held once a week with 6 children in a group.

Diya was quite difficult to mingle around at 1st but later when she sees other kids so she starts to make frens … almost to everyone there she talks to (in her language which sounds like German hahahha) right at their face. She learnt to assemble small blocks, make shapes from playdoh, what's a tooth brush and tooth paste, colors, singing, dancing and many more just in one whole hour. But the trial class was for module 3 so later Diya's own age module will be different then module 3 which is more for older kids...

Yes of coz la Diya drama kat saner, buat hal sendiri, play as her wish not like other kids yang more focus to the teacher. She also still clingy on me and most of the time I was running around to get Diya back to the group hahhha... but Teacher Fatin was great, she was very patient with Diya and also other kids. I am very happy to have Diya in her group… see you soon teacher heheheh…

I Got These For Myself..

Ahah!!!! Finally I got my own space to sit and have my work done! I am a very happy woman now hahahahah… I have my own desk and space to have my files, my letters and more personal things.. most important is MY things eheheheh…. Ill get the accessories later like my document/ letter trays set, filing box, magazine file set, storage rack for writing materials, a nice table lamp and such..

When I was choosing which I want for my space of coz I was sooo tempted with all the expensive and all those fancy type of work station. But to think again.. do I need those? And keep asking myself what exactly I need and not what I WANT. I need a table and comfy chair since I'm like only all day long(even when I'm baking ill bring my laptop with me). So what I did was , I got the table and chair according to my other things in my room so I can save money instead of buying more things like chest of drawers ke as a addition to my space and instead I use my side table. Shelf on the top I got long before for my 1st version of space(u can refer to my older posts heheheh) so it was just nice everything matches and doesn't take much space in my room. Well yeah, some people might think I'm crazy to have my office space in my room hehehe… saper yang sanggup tido and tengok kerja dia ader depan mata kan heheheh but for me senang sikit la sebab closer to the door and diya's play room is da room beside so I can watch her playing while I do my work..

Mesti many think eh, sue buat aper sgt ek sampai nak kena ader office la, even dalam rumah sendiri??? Bukan dia jual kek je ker??? Well.. true, I sell cakes.. home baked but I need to do my online marketing, research and study things online like recipes, designs especially from matsalleh nyer websites.. I then have a hobby of writing things on my blog, now I have started compiling my documents and receipts for all those 3 years I dah start business and must start my book keeping soon! On top of all that yeah I FACEBOOKING ahahaha… and on Instant messaging all the time as my business is 'kedai online' so I must be approachable at all times la.. reply emails, send quotations, look for opportunities like people yang nak cater my cakes in bulks.. so kira I rely on thenet n my computer heavily. All this while I do all these everywhere in the house, on my bed mostly, on the floor sometimes while diya is playing, coffee table, dining table and my things are all over the house heheheheh…so now I am a much happier woman sitting comfortably on my spot typing this!!! Heheheh… I don't really care la kalau ader org nak baca my blog or not but I just like to write. I have my pending compiling recipes project which I can start doing now. To think again kan, non of my family members ever bother to compile our family recipes.. so why not I start??? Kan?? Maner la tau later I can write recipe books pulak??? Hahahha…

So, let me know what all of you think of my space? Wat else do I need to top up? Heheheh…

The next day i went to get myself a plant and some picture frames heheheh...

and still improving...

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Small-Office-Home-Office for me?

Hey there… today is a bit relaxing day for me after all the hectic cake supply shopping yesterday I had… huh!!! Weather was so HOT yesterday and I had to carry 12kg Diya on my shoulder most of the time when she fell asleep. When she's awake she'll be on my pinggang pulak hehe... sebelah dukung diya n sebelah lagi angkat bakul! Yeah, supermom I am hehee... and this morning I wake up feeling LAZY to do anything but stay in bed with diya and my laptop and so I write… besides that I'm also browsing Ikea's catalog looking for the rite things to get for my Small-Home-Office in my room.. Should I get the work station where everything is compact and doesn't take much space on the floor??? Or maybe I just need a laptop table beside my bed? Since I'm most of the time EVERYWHERE in the house... but that wouldn't be an office then hehe… I need a proper table n chair for me to do my online work, my hobby to write and everything else I normally do with my laptop especially during Diya's nap time haha. At the moment I'm always at my magazine reading corner or on the bed in my room until I get back pain that is hehe… in the kitchen I have my bar stool so while I cook I'm still with my laptop hhahaha… of coz la dah sume recipe pun ader dlm laptop! And I definitely can't live without FACEBOOK!!!! If I'm at my living area, coffee table will be the place I hangout facing the garden on my backyard with a cup of Nescafe hehehhe... so I really think I need a still spot for myself hahahahha… I think a simple table and a comfortable chair would be perfect for me. What do you think?

Pink Tricycle!

Diya on her new tricycle… cute pink/purple with cute little basket front and back; I just couldn't resists myself on getting it for Diya hehehe... At 1st I was a bit discouraged to buy as the price on the tag was rm199!!! My God, that expensive for a kid's bike? But to think again, why not after all I have worked sooo hard these days so I can get extra pocket money to spend on my baby… so, as quickly as I could; grab one and straight to the cashier. Once scanned for pricing it was only rm99!!!! How happy was I to have it half the price heheheh... jimat duit mumy hahahaha…

So back to the house and Diya tak sabar2 nak bukak benda tu there and then heheh... lepas bukak Diya dah bersungguh2 so I kenal la tolak dia keliling area rumah ni... surprisingly, the bike is quite good la... I expected benda tu bunyik2 ke, longgar ke maklum la beli kat Tesco je hahahah… but it was a smooth ride, tayar pun tak bunyik2 and Diya suka naik benda tu hehehe… puas jugak la menolak Diya sampai dua round (ps: besar tau dua round tuh hahahah) with her Milo pack in her hands and a bag of kokocrunch and not to forget her 'toy cat' pun I letak dlm bakul belakang just in case la she gets grumpy hehehhe..

So, hopefully you won't lose interest on the tricycle too soon ek? Heheheh… hmmm… as for me??? Ill story tomorrow heheheh…

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

My New Home

New Home!

Finally I chose Vector skin! I like the concept rustic sikit and few pictures like coffee is to show me, birdie is to show Diya and flowers is for my cooking hehehehe… I am still trying to improve the skin by playing with the coding tho hehe.. hopefully other frens will like dis too and not to stop reading mine hehe… do place some comments if ramai tak minat n sakit mata myb I can find yang lain still hehe…


I have this with me lately!!! YES, I have to start bookkeeping for pumpkinmumycupcakes!!!! Pening… my costing will mostly be on grams/kg for every bahan im using for EACH of my cakes! Pening jugak la lama tak brush up my number skills heheheh… all this while I always think; alar business kat rumah jerk… but dat business dah grow and im loosing track of my supplies pricing, my in/out money: for capital, or simply drawings??? Heheheh sume ROJAK! Asal boleh jerk… it is quite difficult to have a template for my costing and pricing sbb all my pricing varies la… harga turun & naik often so I kena buat by projek. Meaning guna current pricing, whatever is the price on dat day or month maka yang tu la I kena guna… kadang2 nasib I baik so untung lebih, kadang2 nasib kurang baik n harga barang naik so I untung kecik… selagi boleh I kena maintain my price… sbb tu la PENTING sang at to have bookkeeping nih! Im even too lazy to keep all my receipts! Haihh la sue… kata Bachelor Degree in Accounting… macam maner ni beb??? that's what I keep telling to myself hahahahha... I better get another set of calculator too, berebut ngan diya la plak nak pakai calculator… diya pun nak jadi macam mumy ker? Kira duit??? Dulu kira duit org, skang kena kira duit sendiri huhuhuhuh… lagi pening kepala hehe...

On top of that, I plan to have a new blog template for my blog nih… not my cupcakes blog; yang tu dah too many gadgets I pasang jadik leceh kalau nak tuka skin lagi… I mean my plan is to tuka my personal blog nih... nak rasa macam HOMEY sikit hehe so I can 'bertandang' lebih lama kat sini... write more and just hang around my blog.. I'm actually looking for a fresher look... like more white and flowery and happy sbb my concept will be on myself... Diya and my cooking. So I need to have a skin yang shows ME! Dah 3-4 hari jugak la I search blog template nih but belom settle down on any... I'll try again later tonight...

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

My View...

This morning I woke up feeling anxious to WRITE! All I could ever think since last night is to write and more writing hehe... all this is because I just found a way that I can write on Microsoft Words and publish straight away to my blog or any where I want online provide they're linked to Microsoft Word software.. Hehe... this make my writing sooo much easier as befor I always have to write and save then later copy paste to my blog which I find them soo messy to do and thus makes me very LAZY to write.. but now I hope I'm no longer having writing problems besides to get the time right ehehehe…

" Amilita Zaini: Yup you should always "stop & smell the roses" or in your case stop and enjoy the view :)" I quote my fren's saying to me yesterday and made me think to write this today heheheh… yeah, the pictures are exactly what I see every day morning and night. Views are from my room balcony and sliding door backyard.. GREEN.. sooooo GREEN! So much peace.. the neighborhood is WELL GUARDED 24/7(believe me guards are very strict on outsiders or visitors) and maintained by paid landscapers.. every road has a different theme of garden like mine is ROMAN and they have Japanese(mostly bamboo trees and mini Japanese bridges with Japanese decorations) and Balinese(bigger and heavier trees, very shady) too.. most of the time people jog around the neighborhood or merely walking with kids on most evenings. Old folks just love to walk on the green grass without their shoes(I guess it's some kind of therapy or what..) EVERYDAY I wake up and have these views to look at. My GOD; I am the lucky one to be able stay home, work from home and jaga my cute baby diya.. I can even have my own sweet time to write, be online every day, and play blocks with Diya and such… I'm very grateful for this.

At this very moment I'm on my coffee table with a cup of tea; writing this and I plan to write many things to day.. I think this is the best spot in the house for me to sit and relax while I have my laptop on my lap writing with nice view. Or maybe I can have an outdoor spot later hmmm… kena pegi Ikea nih carik nice comfy chair for me to sit outside(there is still space to put table n chairs) hehehe.. I LOVE most of the evening's time where everything is so bright and beautiful.. Bird chirping on the trees and I can even see small bees on flowers very early morning.

Maybe I don't have a HUGE house with fancy facilities but yeah… I have my "view" and very grateful for it.

Been Sooooo Long...

Dah bersawang blog nih ehehheheh…

Hello... hello... been soooo long since my last writing... since hari ni I'm quite free so I think I'll write a bit sambil main blocks ngan diya and teman her watch cartoon CARS (don't know ke berapa kali dah dia bukak hari nih) ehehehhe…

Lately been a super BZ week for me since I now have a cake chiller for all my cakes... yippee!!!! My baking is more organized and they last longer in the chiller with the controlled temperature cakes r still moist! Fewer headaches for me... but nevertheless, bill letrik belom sampai lagik since I have started using the fridge eheheheh… harap2 tak la melambung sangat! Now I have started my small packaging promo cakes with 'Flavor of the Day' and selected designs ready to pickup daily eheheehh…

Lepas tu, terlalu sibuk ngan kek sampai la myself jadik demam!!! Terlampau excited buat kek sampai sudahnyer terbaring seminggu… batuk.. batuk... and more batuk… Sama ada sbb I hire maid to clean the house (habis satu rumah dia bersihkan) so habuk berterbangan and it started form there ker or maybe musim demam la skang nih... bila dah tak tahan pegi la clinic depan rumah tu hah!!!! Terus kena amik gas sbb my asma dah ader balik (masa kecik2 jer ader asma tuh) haihhh….

Talking about my bz ness… eheheheh… I finally decided to get help from my mom's maid la I pay her little bit and she cleans the whole house for me... less headache for myself and I can focus jaga my baby and my cake business… tak la myself kalut lagi nak buat kerja rumah… nak jaga diya.. nak siapkan kek order… true la I MUST get help, I'm not 'wonder woman' sume benda nak handle alone… eheheheh…

Neways… bout diya...

The other day I went to tapau chicken rice at Ikano and sempat singgah beli goreng pisang on the road side for diya to snack on the crumbs heheh… then later while walking in the mall she just won't let go of that 'pisang goreng' plastic bag!!! She insisted to carry it around and so I quickly snap... snap... and snap!!! This girl really made me laugh la... most of the time heheh...