Siapakah beliau? Hehe… nih I nak cerita sikit pasal my friend nih… yeah I just met her recently from my BFF Debbie and from her we became friends.. when Debbie 1st told me “sue, u have to meet this lady lah, she has same experience as you do and same interests with you; BLOGGING!! She makes money tau by blogging..”
So one day I met Tasha, we had breakfast and since then we talked online everyday and night hehe.. I find this woman is an amazing person. She is very positive thinking and encourages me on loads of things. Recently I started cooking again, which I have been so long not done it hahahhaha… everyday I will ask Tasha now aper dia amsak tuk husband. She cooks everything for her husband, believe me.. EVERYTHING! Bila I tengok dia masak fulltime, I fikir, come on sue you ader anak kecik better you start cooking too, soon Diya will want to eat like normal kids. Infact I feel I patutnya dah start masak for main occasions like Hari Raya, birthdays and many more but ntah kenapa I just stop cooking at one point and prefer ‘tapau’ food. Ish.. ish.. ish..
Tasha banyak guide and discipline me, now dia guide I untuk jadi a good blogger, she discipline me quite much (siap call me kul 5.30 am tau kejut I bangun pagi n start my day early hehehe), bila I sedih or feeling depress dia banyak sabar kan .. tengaok pada zahirnya Tasha ni memang happy go lucky person but bila dia bagi I certain entry dalam her
BLOG and I baca I jadik terharu n fikir wow, her life is very challenging and how come I’m complaining bout mine so much??!
So hari nih I masak ikan sambal, sayur lodeh goring, and my sedap stuffed tofu puff! Tasha told me she made kuih apam and they’re dining outside later hhehehe..
Ps: Tasha I pinjam gamba you satu yer heheheh..