Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Early Heavy Breakfast

Big Breakfast.

Hari ni we all had huge breakfast; nasi putih with sambal telor mata kerbau and some potato wedges. As for my mom pulak her sambal is sambal udang petai with hot palin rice. Fries for my pumpkin and some pisang tanduk goring. Drinks I hav the tarik home made and maid made herself serai milk, hot tea foe my mom… so all da food was like makan tengah hari pulak.

Then I feel not so good… mata pedih lah kepala berangin lah.. so I suspected my mac lah buat I mcm nih… myb I am too focused kan? Tho I can control da brightness of da screen tapi myb I push myself too hard.. I have so many ideas since internet came here. I was thinking to create a malay simple cooking website of my own or even better buat E-book for my recipes. Myb hajat I nak tulis buku n jual akhirnya boleh dicapai.. but to make all dis happen I kena banyak buat research. I kena make my recipes penuh infos bukan setakat tulis aper nak masak n mcm maner nak masak, I kena put more effort and write more like nutritional facts ke, history of the dish ke or things like that. And for that I kena scout other websites and see how they write their recipes. I kena beli buku2 n read, magazines and yeah loads of work. At da same time I can learn to write; itulah tujuan utama dulu I ber blogging sbb I nak belajar menulis and cooking is what I think I am good at.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


Setengah batang carrot dihiris halus.
3 batang jagng muda dihiris halus
beberapa biji kacang peas
sedikit kacang buncis dihiris nipis
sedikit sayur sawi jika suka
sedikit udang yang telah dikopek dan dibersihkan.
Satu sudu kecil bawang putih
Satu sudu kecil sos tiram
Sedikit kiub pati ayam (jika suka)
Sedikit air

Tumis bawang putih bersama sos tiram dan isi udang sehingga masak dan masukkan kiub ayam (jika mahu), masukkan sayuran yang keras terlebih dahulu dan masukkan sedikit air, tunggu sehingga empuk dan masukkan sayuran berdaun yang lain. Masak sekejap lagi kemudian tutup api angkat dan hidangkan semasa panas bersama hidangan lain.

Kacang Panjang Goreng Sambal Bertelur


Kacang panjang ½ kilo atau ikut kesukaan lah..
2 sudu besar Ikan bilis yang telah siap digoreng garing
sebiji telor
2 sudu besar cili boh ( kalau suka pedas boleh tambah lagi)
1/2 sudu besar bawang putih blend
½ sudu besar bawang merah blend

tumis bahan kisar tadi sehingga garing dan masukkan sayur kacang. Goring sehingga sayur separuh masak dan ketepikan (masih dlaam kuali yang sama) kemudian pecah kan telor sebiji tadi, gaul sehingga telur separuh masak kemudian gaulkan sekali dengan sayur yang diketepikan tadi. Setelah gaul rata masukkan ikan bilis, gaulkan dan tutup api terus dihidang kan semasa masih panas.

Ps: perasakan dengan garam dan gula jika suka tetapi hati2 kerana ikan bilis adalah sedikit masin.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Bendi Masak Asam Tumis


300g Bendi
5 batang kacang panjang
1 keeping Tahu
segenggam ikan bilis mentah
sedikit cili merah tumbuk (kalau suka pedas boleh lebihkan)
sedikit belacan
air asam jawa secukupnya
semangkuk air


masukkan kesemua bahan tadi kecuali sayuran dan tahu, masak sehingga mendidih. Perasakan dengan sedikit garam dan gula secukupnya dan masukkan sayuran dan tahu tadi. Masak lagi sehingga bendi empuk dengan api perlahan. Hidangkan bersama hidangan lain semasa masih panas.


masakan asam pedas ni ader macam2 jenis dan berasal dari pelbagai Negara.. lain tempat lain lah cara masakannya. Lauk asam nih walaupun simple dan senang kebanyakkan cara samakan nya namun they are very flavorful and delicious. Asam itu sendiri ader pelbagai jenis sepeti asam gelugur (commonly known as asam jawa) and ader asam keeping and also asam dari buah-buahan yang masam seperti belimbing besi, asam cermai, mangga asam and much more.. so its up to us lah macam maner kita nak pelbagai kan masakan tu dengan menggunakan asam as da main ingredient.

As for my dish here sangat lah simple, guna kan air asam jawa sahaja n rebus everything. With da very simple style of cooking pun kalau di matchkan ngan lauk2 lain pasti menambat selera.

Ketam Masak Cili Api


2 ekor ketam besar (I use Ketam Bunga)
santan 250g ( santan fresh)
daun kunyit sehelai
cili padi ditumbuk dengan kunyit hidup dan garam sedikit.
Serai sebatang diketuk
Nenas atau belimbing masam (terpulang pada selera masing-masing suka masam atau manis)

Masukkan semua bahan kedalam periuk dan tenggek kan atas api kecil sehingga mendidih dan masak. Perasakan dengan tambahan garam dan gula jika perlu. Kuah hendak lah di kacau selalu agar santan tidak pecah dan berketil-ketil pada api yang perlahan. Hidang kan bersama ikan masin goring hehehhe…

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Ayam Perchik???

sukatan adalah untuk seekor ayam

Bahan Perapan:

Bawang putih 3 ulas

Bwang merah 5 ulas

Halia seinchi

Cili boh 2 sudu

Blend sume tu n lumur atas ayam. Pastu perisakan dengan garam. Ayam tu potong 4 n perap selama satu jam. Then kukus sekejap dalam 15 minit (half cook). Kemudian dibakar atas arang atau masuk dalam oven. Senang betul..

Bahan kuah:

Bawang putih sikit 2 ulas

Bawang merah 10 bijik

Halia sikit setengah inchi

Cili boh ikut kepedasan.

Santan setengah kilo di campur ngan air ikut sebanyak santan tersebut.

Air asam jawa sikit ikut rasa

Serai 3 batang diketuk

Masuk sume bahan yang diblend tu kedalam periuk dan tenggek kan atas api sampai masak dan pekat. Perasakan ngan garan dan gula. Then guna kuah nih untuk di perchik2 kan atas ayam yang sedang dibakar tu sehingga ayam itu garing dan cantik kemasan

Friday, 26 March 2010

Internet ..

I got my self a new spot in da garden which I am more comfortable with. Another garden table set in da middle of garden and more tersembunyi coz my mom’s frens suka visit n sit with them early morning kat depan tu and I rasa semacam plak bila they look at me like im a sick person! Err.. how I wish my internet wifi dapat cepat so I boleh berinternet sesenang kat garden ni pagi2 hehe.. I am surrounded with GREENS while im writing this and to my dear fren milie; tetiba I teringat kat u yang suka online awal pagi(I guess dats da best time for u lah sbb kiddos still sleeping kan hehehe?) and ur place also have nice garden view right?
Yesterday finally my ex-off colleague dating and buat internet testing at my mom’s place here in Gombak and great ader reception!!!! Good one too! So now I dah ader internet here cuma dok tunggu them bawakkan I WIFI plak so I tak payah pakai cable to da modem n be stuck at one spot je in da house. I am using AMAX from Asiaspace; something like P1 wimax lah but diff company and dis company dulu I kerja situ but dat time belom ader wifi services only after I left baru they launch internet service nih.. lucky kat Sri Gombak dah ader satu tower and so signal tu sampai jugak lah kat rumah nih.. rezeki Allah bagi.. moga2 I tak lah terlalu leka ngan internet and still spend more time with Diya hehehe..
Sambil tulis sambil I tengok pokok bunga kenanga depan I nih hehe.. and my mom is sitting outfront with her fren there.. chit chat.. I notice culture kat sini is the elderly always starts their day very early morning with walks then they stop pulak chit chatting then sambung borak ngan org lain pulak, ader jugak yang suka datang join minum kat rumah nih and ader yang siap datang bawak kuih lah breakfast for us here! Agaknyer nanti I tua2 I pun mcm tu jugak ek? Hehe.. nice oldies here but still not my thing lah.. I still prefer my early morning to be breakfast kat shopping malls like coffee shops with WIFI connection hehe… I still suka bawak Diya jalan2 awal pagi to Ikea, McDonalds ke or sometimes starbucks n coffeebean.. don’t get me wrong yah, kalau breakfast ngan diya je kat tempat2 mcm tu will only cost me rm15 da most and set tuh always comes with drinks too! Of coz lah I share ngan diya maner I boleh habis kan alone pun, sometimes I order kan diya like donut ke and some fun drinks! Lepas makan, I bawak diya gi beli groceries sikit ke then let her walk sampai dia penat then balik lah… and my rutine at home starts pulak.. sebelom keluar awla pagi tu I siap keluarkan butter n my buttercream lah so by da time I balik everything soften n ready to use. I’ll quickly masak lunch ( I think lepas nih I can starts to cook awal pagi lah like lepas subuh) and start my baking thingy lah… now that i
Dah ader helper so senang sikit I organize my baking schedule. Benefit that I guna cake chiller so I can bake mass 2 days early n have da next day design cakes je.
I must learn more on writing blog lah.. semalam I baca my fren’s blog ader one lady comments that she bila write her own blog tak nak lah org baca n tak dapat ape2 info from it and yeha I think she is so true.. then bila I baca my other blog list, yes most of them mesti ader info and links sekali in every topic they write. So I kena blaja menulis mcm tu.. I pun nak my frens yang baca my blog leave with happy thoughts after reading it. Actually blogging helps me a lot.. kalau dulu everyday I will bug my frens(most of them are still in corporate world n will be at da office) coz I am bored or just simply nak berbual or even when things came to cross my mind. But now I blog.. I will write whatever I feel and yang best tuh ader komen from other frens jugak to my writings hehe..
Hmm.. diya pun dah bangun mintak her cartoon tuh, I better layan her kejap n post dis story after dat..

A Friend..



Yes I am.. of my frens… today I saw one of my online fren’s mobile upload and her and I think she looks SUPERB! She’s a mother of four, fulltime mom and has a home based business and she is SUPERB! As I know her hubby is mostly out of the country and she handles almost everything in her house. Tho she’s da busiest mom I have ever known but she still manage to make herself look so good n presentable. She’s happy most of the time, cooks for her kids, sends them almost everywhere and yet she never fails to update her facebook and her blog and she ‘tweets’ too!!! How can she be so good? Where does she learns everything?

Can I ever be like her? Can I have da confidence she has? Can I handle things like she does? Maybe im still young n has less experience in handling marriage n kids? She is my idol. Looking at her n reading bout her makes me stronger to have n maintain my own home business, takes care of Diya closely(since I only have her so more benefit to me lah hehe) and she makes me feel I definitely made da rite choice quitting my job and became WAHM (Working At Home Mom). I plan also to home tutor my toddler once she starts school nanti.

Ps: hheheheheheh…

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Spoilt Milo!

Oh my… what happened last night was scaring me till today I normally feed Diya Milo drink in small packets since she has stopped breast feeding late last year. Due to her eczema condition she cant tolerate any dairy or powdered milk and Milo is the only product her body can accept without severe allergy and so I always buy her the small packets (she refuses to take the bigger size pack don’t know why) and she dinks it almost few packs everyday. So far so good, until last night… she took the Milo from her drawer(I always keep few packs there so she knows and able to reach it whenever she wants it) and gave it to me saying ‘air mimo.. air mimo..’ I took the pack and inserted the tiny straw and without tasting it first I just let her drink but few seconds after her face change like ‘tak sedap’ face! Terus I amik air kotak tu and rasa.. MY GOD, masam n memualkan!!!!!!! Air kotak tu baru bukak jer bukan dah terbuka n terbiar. Then I amik sekotak lagi n taste again, sama!!!!! Masam jugak!!!!! Aiyo! I gone panicking.. macam maner nih??? Bukan panik air tu masam tapi panik sbb tak tau berapa kotak yang dah diya minum yang rosak! Sbb dlm drawer tu I ader letak like few packs n as I remembered at least two packs dia dah minum! And all this scary thoughts came! Keracunan lah, severe vomiting lah, diarrhea ke aiyoyoyoyo… so semalam I pujuk Diya minum air suam though she only sip sikit2 but still I pujuk lah and waited till 3am to see if there is any side effects and Alhamdulillah none… she slept soundly, mengigau sikit2 lah. Only around 11pm diya berak cirit and only that once..

Now the prob is that I keep on blaming myself for what has happened, how can I bagi anything to my pumpkin without me tasting it first??? Maybe sebab selama nih everything OKAY jer and so I took things for granted. I am the adult but I never think like an adult.. malas ke? Tak kisah ke? Over confident ker? I should have known better, walaupun benda tu ready packed ke from kilang tu but surely ader defect products or maybe masa kedai tu simpan dlm storeroom tu tempat yang panas ke.. normally I beli from TESCO but lately selalu out of stock n habis so I beli lah kat kedai2 runcit nearby my mom’s place nih and yes they keep in storeroom mostly sbb display rack diorang tu kecik and I always beli banyak. Macam maner pun I still kata my fault sbb tak bother nak rasa dulu aper yang I bagi kat Diya.

Mumy sorry diya…

Monday, 22 March 2010


Projek buat kuih!

Dah 2-3 hari kat rumah nih asik buat kuih melayu jerk! Ada kuih binka ubi, kuih kaswi, kuih talam, karipap, kuih gelang and memacam lah… Sedap betul plak tuh… I wonder mcm maner org kat luar tu boleh jual kuih2 melayu so expensive but tasteless? Bukan mahal sgt modalnyer pun cuma kena use proper ingredients lah like good eggs, good n fresh santan, fresh daun pandan and suchs lah.. nih asal gula naik few cents pun harga kuih naik bukan main mahal alas an harga gula naik lah ni la tu lah.. tapi bila harga gula turun tak pulak dia turunkan harga.. dah tu kuih yg dijual tu makin lama makin kecik je potongannyer. Haihhh… I pun jual kek jugak n bila harga barang naik tentulah I terasa ‘kehebatannya’ tapi bukan lah tak untung langsung kan??? Untung kurang je lah, so I kira takder rezeki je nak untung banyak bulan nih. And my system is I charge extra on complication of the designs bukan sebanyak2nyer atas kek tu sahaja so selagi boleh I maintain kan harga kek but if I get extra it will be on my designs and Alhamdulillah my customers kebanyakkannyer paham n keep ordering. I percaya as long as we use good ingredients just like we ‘homebake’ our cakes for our families; im sure people will love to order our cakes again.. again.. and again!

Eh, ter ‘promote’ my cakes plak hhehehehehe…

So my next plan is bila everything dah settle here I nak masuk cake designing courses. And mybe cake baking class too to learn baking techniques better. Since diya pun dah habis breast feeding so im am more mobile lah, she can lepak with her grandma sementara I go for classes.. is it too late for me to start now? Bukan aper I tgk org kat luar tuh muda2 dah pegi pelbagai cake classes lah and even start conducting classes on their own.. I nih dah 30 tahun baru nak start pegi class? At 1st I tak plan nak attend any class but if I wanna go further n grow big I think I need qualification. I need to learn properly. My Degree in accounting is good for business but I need ‘more’ on my skills. Home business nih sume pun SDN BHD so skills are important too.

I am telling myself: I MUST GROW BIG!

Ps: lupa lah nak amik gamba kuih2 melayu tu…

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Diya Tantrum!

Diya lately tantrum habis! If she tak dapat satu benda dia nak tu habis dia nangis berguling! Till one point I dah terduduk n terpikir how shall I handle her in dis situation?? I tak rasa pukul akan menyelesaikan masalah nih.. shouting will only teach her to shout at me back.. so what should I do? Very small reason also can make her mengamok soooo much! So, what I did was, everytime dia melalak bila tak dapat aper dia nak (at da moment I apply dis at home only lah, kat luar or shopping mall belom lagi), I will take her to a small corner n make her stand or sit there till she finishes her cries! She will attempt to move or go towards me ill scold her n say STAY THERE!! With my finger pointing to the spot! She will still cry but at least she stay on her spot n cry there. Bila dia habis nangis I’ll pujuk her back lah, give her big hug n talk to her nicely that what she did was wrong.. Betul ke aper I buat nih?

Monday, 15 March 2010



lately i feel lemas sbb tak dapat menulis in my blog.. been months already n i rarely dapat update my blog.. this is because i am at da moment staying with my mom in gombak and broadband here is not so good.. so at da moment i just tahan je sebaik mungkin ngan internet connection kat sini. hehe..

neways… tulis diary nih maner yg I rasa yg boleh I post kan kat my blog I will do so sbb nak bukak blog nih ngan broadband aka ‘berukband’ nih mak ai susahnyer. So I tulis jer dulu maner I nak n even buat few sections bout diya ker, my frens ker aper je la n bila boleh I will pilih n post maner yg I rasa ok. Pasal gamba2 plak, nak edit gamba kebanyakkan nyer I pakai online software so again masalah internet melanda heheheheh.. so ill edit bila I balik damansara nanti n post everything nanti lah. Lega sikit dapat menulis.. I LOVE my MACB!!! Hehe… ok now I nak try tulis topic lain plak, let me see if I can figureout dia word format in my macB.

Skang diya makin aktif.. she pandai make frens now. Dah improve a lot kat alimkids tu. Kalau dulu dia asik nak main alone jer at one corner but now she make frens.. makin ketengah bila dia ader kawan2 n behave better ngan teacher dia.. lucky diya ader teacher yg very patient with her.. dulu teacher fatin always make separate mterials for diya sbb behaviour diya tak nak mix ngan other kids.. and her tantrum hishhhhh… berguling2 kalau tak dapat aper yang dia nak tuh. But lately dah dua kelas diya behave better. Dia bekenan betul ngan another kid nama syakilla which is much older than her.. syakilla kalau tak salah is 4 years old, very tall n behave very well. Her mom pun alamak lupa nama dia lah; mmg sporting giler and very understanding.. she also rajin help me with diya most of da time. Another kawan diya yg dia bekenan is Salman. I always panggil salman abg sbb dia je yg besar lelaki kat situ. His mom n dad always drop kan dia sbb mom dia kena kerja on Saturdays n dady plak is not allowed in da play group so dady Salman always drop kan dia je n sometime I tolong melayan dia jugak.. budaknyer tak banyak kerenah tapi active! So most of da time diya main ngan salman n killa lah.

Minggu ni diya kena buat topi in her art n craft session. But as usual la mumy lah yg buat kan bukan diya hahahahah… tapi diya pandai kaler2 jugak la.. so all her art work ill keep n kalau muat ill frame kan. Cute sangat ader anak dah mula pandai buat kraft tangan n learn things… diya pun dah pandai sikit pronounce words like elephant=alfun, F sound, and others lah… very cute.. hehehehe..

Diya, mumy LOVE Diya!

ps: i hope ppl tak boring baca my blog kalau takder gambar.. soon ill post pictures too.