The moment I baca entry nih I terus join this contest!!
Why Do I read A SOHO Mama’s Diary?
One day I saw Millie’s (blog author of A SOHO Mama’s Diary) comments on my blog here Lovely Mommy.. At 1st I thought WOW… there are people out there who’s actually reading my writing! And so I linked her back here so that I can keep in touch with my blog readers.. They read mine; I’ll read theirs hehe.. Then I started to bump into her on other blogs; favorite off mine is Real Woman and so from there I just feel like knowing her more… I started to read her websites, connects on Facebook and we became online frens… there is just something about her blog that makes me want to read everyday… her blog always looks n feel FRESH! Maybe sbb kaler pilihan hati dia kot hhhehe HIJAU! And her writing ALWAYS inspires me to write more on mine.. I just don’t know la, blog SOHO Mama’s Diary nih mcm perencah ‘cukup rasa’ maggi tu la agaknyer…
My FAVOURITE category in AZ Gift Baskets will definitely be “Chocolates and Bakeries” my all time favorite!!!!!
Sue! Thanks for joining..you're officially the first participant..nicely written! Macam perencah secukup rasa..? Awww thanks beb!
ReplyDeleteHeheheh... Tq beb. I yg 1st ke hahaah.. Mmg i minat blog u nih!