Look at her big round eyes... like mine? heheheh... Today i brought her to playland just for her to mix around with other kids. I worry if she stays too much at home she will be the passive type of children where at school or anywhere she will just sit at one corner and never mix around.
I can still remember during my school time some kids will just sit quietly even when the teachers keep calling their name just to take the attendance!
She had a really good time and also improved some of her climbing skills, running skills and also mixed well with other kids... Of coz I'm ALWAYS around monitoring her just in case she falls down or other kids gets rough with her. She understands more of things she can or cannot do and listen to me more which I think its very good. I feel so lucky that I can always guide her around things. She is a very lucky girl.
best ekk.. so kau fultime HW ehh sue??
ReplyDeletemana ada mata diaa mcm mata ko..
mata dia booolatt comel.. mata ko sepet (mcm amy search!!) hehehehe :p
haha... ya la! I was gonna say her eyes are much bigger than yours. Try to bring along 1 or 2 toys of hers and let her learn to share.. I suddenly remembered how she kept hiding her toys from Damian! haha!