Sunday morning and I am soooo blardy hungry! Dok terbaring atas katil and wonder bila semua orang nak bangun so we can all go breakfast? Then I think why must I wait for them?? Either I keluar beli breakfast for everyone or just ‘check in’ downstairs and make something nice for myself (untill anybody else need to makan lah) after all I am the room service in this house! Neways I made myself 4 LARGE size of hot pancakes and serve with tuna mayo plus extra mayo that I have in the fridge heheheh.. It is already 10am and everyone is still sleeping, lucky I made those hot cakes! I have SIMPLIFIED the recipe and here it goes:
1 cup Self-rising Flour (or any cake flour)
1 cup fresh milk
1 egg
50g melted butter (about two tablespoon heap-full)
Vanilla essense(optional)
1 or 2 table spoon brown sugar (white sugar also can)
Mix everything in a bowl except the butter until combine, melt butter in a sauce pan or a microwave would be easier and pour in the bater later. Stir again and scoop on to a nonstick pan, turn to the other side once you see bubbles appearing and serve hot.. About one min each lah on slow heat. Senang kan? Previous my recipe tu complicated sikit and now I prefer to use this recipe fast and easy. Serve with what ever you like; fresh fruits and yoghurt, caramel syrup. Ice cream, even tuna mayo like I did. Almost anything!
Ps: ok ok I will snap nice pictures using proper camera next time.. Dont get me wrong, bukan dah takder passion on my food photography cuma lately sibuk and everything nak cepat, nak grab camera pun tak sempat inikan pulak nak nak assemble my huge camera tu hehehehe... Ya ya no excuse lah, will do it next time.
1 cup Self-rising Flour (or any cake flour)
1 cup fresh milk
1 egg
50g melted butter (about two tablespoon heap-full)
Vanilla essense(optional)
1 or 2 table spoon brown sugar (white sugar also can)
Mix everything in a bowl except the butter until combine, melt butter in a sauce pan or a microwave would be easier and pour in the bater later. Stir again and scoop on to a nonstick pan, turn to the other side once you see bubbles appearing and serve hot.. About one min each lah on slow heat. Senang kan? Previous my recipe tu complicated sikit and now I prefer to use this recipe fast and easy. Serve with what ever you like; fresh fruits and yoghurt, caramel syrup. Ice cream, even tuna mayo like I did. Almost anything!
Ps: ok ok I will snap nice pictures using proper camera next time.. Dont get me wrong, bukan dah takder passion on my food photography cuma lately sibuk and everything nak cepat, nak grab camera pun tak sempat inikan pulak nak nak assemble my huge camera tu hehehehe... Ya ya no excuse lah, will do it next time.