Finally, sometime to myself and able to write.. maner I pegi? Aper I dah buat? Adoi, panjangnyer nak cerita…
My laptop..
Ha, mula-mula I cerita lah pasal my laptop.. nak dijadikan cerita, my new 2 months old laptop’s keyboard ader problem sikit where by the alphabet “U” always came off as I type. Since its still under warranty, I might get it fixed at early as I can. So now I am on my ‘Pinjam Laptop’ kah kah kah.. Syukur jugak lah ader yang sudi meminjamkan hheheheh…
The maid..
Haihh… maid my mom pulak on holiday skang.. 2 bulan tuh.. dia balik kampung setelah 3 tahun berturutan tak balik langsung, jadi kira adil lah kalau dia mintak cuti tu sampai dua bulan cuma masa yang dia nak ni sikit kritikal lah sebab seminggu SEBELOM Hari Raya Puasa!! Adoi… hari raya takder maid susah banget deh..jadi sementara dia takder tu I kena lah amik alih tugas dia menjaga my mom selama nih alone tambahan pulak my mom nih ‘diabetic’ so she cant be left alone on her own too long cause things might happen kan.. To be safe I have to travel back and forth to my place in Damansara and Gombak. During the day I balik my home so I can use the Internet and manage my online shop also all my other online work. I have to bake my cakes too and wait for my customers to come pickup their cakes. Bangun awal pagi, cook then get things done here in Gombak baru lah I balik my place. Diya is not a problem sebab I memang dah biasa kemana sahaja with her. I bring her everywhere I go since she’s 2 months old! Cuma additional sekarang is I have to tag along my mom with me lah.. Risau pulak kalau tinggalkan dia sendiri kat rumah unless she has friends coming over then boleh la I lari cepat sikit to my place. Kalau dulu I kena prepare things for Diya so now I kena prepare sekali for my mom.. My mom bukan lah too old sampai tak boleh jalan.. She’s still strong cuma tak lah strong enough to drive too long ke, cook or do too many work ke and her blood selalu tak menentu so I have to monitor her close.. kira samalah macam I monitor Diya tu hehe.. well.. masa I Kimo dulu she took care of me kan.. took care of things.. walaupun dia tak kuat buat sendiri tapi she make sure everything cukup, get the maid to stay and jaga I, get all the things ready and food etc.. so takkan lah amsa dia macam ni I tak boleh nak jaga dia pulak kan? I rasa ini lah salah satu dugaan Allah bagi kat I untuk I balas jasa my mom ynag selama dulu ni I sering tinggalkan sendirian.. she never leave me.. But I did.. So this time I am here. Tak sangka, sampai jugak hajat maid tu nak I hantarkan dia ke airport untuk dia balik kampung bercuti nih.. Masa I sakit during treatment tu tak sangka langsung I boleh sihat dan aktif balik macam sekarang dan uruskan everything like normal again.. I belom fully recovered but im learning to manage things..
Raya Cake Orders.
Huh.. another topic yang memening kan kepala I lately.. sejak
“PUMPKINMUMYCUPCAKES” my online shop is back into business, I have been getting orders on my promotion cupcakes mostly.. cuma nak raya nih since maid balik kampung so I have to do everything on my own just like how I started my business 4 years back all ‘sdn bhd’ hehhehe… until at one extend I can afford to pay the maid some money and get more cakes done. About 2 years of training she now can handle most of the things without me monitoring her much. Alhamdulillah.. like I said back n forth from my place Damansara to Gombak. Its just like a practice lah someday nanti I ader kedai kek sendiri I have to travel like this lah kan?? Hehehhe… tak slaah berangan sikit kan ahaks!
Internet Reception
Adoih!!! Ni lah yang paling menyakitkan my kepala sekarang.. Internet reception takder kat gombak nih.. I have to use my phone as modem and connect to the net only that is the reception is very very slow.. I am only able to use Yahoo Messenger and very light surfing like Facebook. Tapi bila fikirkan balik elok jugak I takder internet reception so I tak lah hooked sangat kat FACEBOOK!!!!! Everything I have to do on draft mode! Including all my emails.. I bukak email kejap and fetch everything then reply satu-satu bila lewat malam.. the next day baru Isend. Same goes to my other online work.. everything is on draft mode. Akhirnya I dapat masa untuk blaja pakai software photo editing nih since internet takder I am pushed to the wall to learn photoshop n suchs! I boleh draft sebanyak yang mungkin all my food recipes and compile recipe yang lain for my ‘cook book’.
Ps: I better stop here.. lagi lama I tulis lagi panjang lebar jadinyer.. Maklumlah everything is on ‘drafting mode’ hahahah.. I better finish up all other kerja2 especially my pictures!