Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Hot Sunny Day At Home..

I just had to cook on that day! Macam maner nak keep Diya bz so I can do my work? And so I teringat kat bilik mandi tu ader small pool diya used to play with masa kecik-kecik. So I filled it up with water, soft plastic balls and let her play in there while I finish up all my cooking! Although the pool was small for her now but she still manage to have loads of FUN on the day. I made her some snacks; fries, egg sandwich and her favourite Ribena drink and wallah!!!! A very happy kid there hehe.
Still splash-splash in the pool, I managed to cook few dishes, clean and still have extra time to check emails n reply quotations. A combo baby-sitting for me; entertaining Diya and she finished her meal too, by the time she is done everything else settled already. Looking her at the small pool makes me think oh my! Poor kid, pool is too small for her.. So the next day I went to get her a bigger pool and she was and is much much happier hahahaha… Now her routine starts everyday by dipping herself in the pool first, have breakfast by the pool on her small rattan chair and after full satisfaction, it will be DVD time for her hehehehe… I let her watch her choice of cartoon and later she must watch her learning dvd pulak so kira fair lah kan?? Hehehe..

I better continue replying all my emails and finishup my quotations for potential customers!

Chow guys..

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Cute Notice Board

The other day I was simply walking around at Harvey Norman looking for a coffee maker.. Lately I started drinking coffee again and so I thought to just get the coffee bean and make my own at home.. So jalan punyer jalan lah I terjumpa pulak at the accessories section a super cute notice board with flower foam attached to it where you can pin notes or pictures, and it comes with cute flower magnets for u to again post sticky notes or whatsoever. Even the marker pen has magnet on it! I just couldn’t resist!! I must have it and put in my kitchen so I wont have to calculate things in my mind lagi. I don’t have to refer to any bulky book recipe I just write the selected promo cake recipe for the week including all the conversion measurements on the board heheheh… very light and easy to hang too..
Today again I am here at the coffee shop and I want to write.. Learning my best to become a writer, maybe not a good writer yet but am learning to be one. As a beginner I will write about myself mostly and my baby diya, and also my recipes. Many many recipes I have to compile and share some of them and maner lah tau suatu hari nanti sampai hajat I nak terbit my own buku recipe kan?? Hehehe.. It is becoming a habit of mine already to come here everytime Diya is still sleeping, early morning with my laptop and write. Sometimes I get to be here for hours until Diya awakes. I see some familiar faces here this morning, few moms with kids too.. For the guys pulak.. errr.. tak kerja ker?? Hehehehe…
I better run to the supermarket lah beli some fish and Diya’s milo packs and masak kat rumah.. I shall continue writing.. always leave a blank word document page open hehehe..

Monday, 18 October 2010

Paprika Chicken With Mashed Potato Mumy

One day I was watching Asian Food Channel on Astro and saw Jamie Oliver was cooking. He made Beef Paprika and served with plain steamed white rice. So I did some alteration to the recipe and made it my version of Chicken/Beef Paprika. Simplified and faster cooking.
Things that you need:
Chicken breast meat (sliced thinly), a couple of onions (you can always have more if you want to), few cloves of garlic, about 3 table spoon of cream milk, half cup of fresh milk, 3 table spoon full of paprika powder, salt and pepper and a pinch of brown sugar for seasoning, if you like it spicy can add in chili powder, half teaspoon of garlic powder, some chopped parsley and a pinch Italian herbs. Don’t forget a knob of butter!
For mashed potato of course you would need potatoes, a small bag is good enough. Some seasoning, few knobs of butter and some cream milk.
How To Cook:
Marinate chicken breast meat with all the dried herbs and put aside, wait for 10-15 minutes. Heat a non-stick frying pan with olive oil and start to fry onions and garlic. Add in the marinated chicken mean and continue to fry. When they are half cooked, add in some cream milk and little bit of hot water for the gravy. For low fat recipe just opt cream milk with low fat milk. Stir in a knob of butter and cook untll gravy thickens.. Don’t forget seasonings too.. Serve hot with mashed potato and fresh salad.

To make mashed potato, boil potatoes until soft and cooked, strain water add in few knobs of butter and half cup of cream milk. You can use low fat milk too. Salt and pepper for seasoning and garnish with fresh parsley.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Cerita Kedai Kopi

Picture is from Google search
Wah… Rasa macam Carrie Bradshaw starring in Sex In The City pulak duduk kat coffee shop with my laptop and writing heeheh… I have decided to take a week off from my bakings. Best kan kalau kerja sendiri ni boleh decide bila nak kerja and bila nak cuti.. Well.. Cons dia pulak if I don’t bake I don’t make any money lah that week huhuhuhu… tapi takper lah I already budget since last week so I can cuti this week and focus on my online work.. Yeah, apart from baking I have to all my paperwork like book keeping (which dah setahun I belom mulakan lagi, bills n receipts makin menimbun dah nih), I have to jaga sendiri my online shop, and I also ader blogging career yang I sendiri baru je mula since early this year. I see my nuffnang frens yang lain dah earn ribu-ribu sebulan so why cant I kan? I memang minat nak menulis since I became a fulltime mom that is why I came up with Diya’s blog (thanx to my best friend Debbie for the idea hehe) and I plan to compile all my family recipes. Aper slahnya kalau I blogging sambil make money kan? Hehehehe.. Maner lah tau one day I can became a famous blogger that write bout my kid and my cooking. My “cooking book” project nampaknyer tergendala lah huhuhuh… I must work on it soon..

 Picture is from Google search
Anyway the real story I nak cerita kat sini is a bout me here at the coffee shop and people surrounding me… wow! Macam-macam kerenah ader sepanjang 2-3 hari I duduk di kedai kopi nih.. I see people with office clothes complete with tie and kot lagi but duduk here for hours.. eh tak masuk office ker? Then ader jugak moms like me with their kids in the stroller sleeping while they drink coffee, read a book and even go online.. Sometimes I bumped into students came by and sit in groups discussing and do work with cute small laptops while enjoying FRAPUCCINO! Wow!! Kids nowadays, very modern living and wealthy too.. I didn’t get to have a laptop until my UNI days and that time Internet was so expensive! I think if I would to have facilities that kids nowadays have I dah jadi top 5 student kat UM tu kot? Heheehehe… nak buat assignments pun mesti buat baik ngan seniors so we can get all their old notes and assignments samples huhuhuh… or else early morning kena pegi library and scout there.. Now with Internet its just a matter of a CLICK on “Mister Google” and WALLAH… all information keluar. Sample nak buat assignment pun ader hehe! With FREE wifi and small light laptops, students are more flexible lah to sit at whereabouts and do homework..

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Finally some time for myself to write. I am back!!! Welcome back Lovely Mumy.. Sorry lah sesangat pada all my bloggers friends sebab I menghilang for quite sometime lah. I think sejak last week of puasa until end of Raya lah. But I manage to write few postings lah every now and then, I mean really few tau. Been so bz traveling here and there.. Bukan I balik kampung ke or bercuti ke or even beraya ker, instead I have been traveling back and forth from my place to my mom’s place macam orang nomad pulak hehe.. her maid still belom balik Malaysia, Insyaallah early November nanti lah.
What have I been doing? Haiya, don’t know where to start cerita lah :p  … Since maid takder jadi all my cakes kena buat sendiri lah and bila working alone sejak habis my treatment in July’10 tak boleh lah I nak buat kerja sebanyak dan sesihat I sebelom tu hehe.. belom fully recovered lah kan, so I must take things slow. Apart from my cakes, I have Diya growing with me here.. haiya.. ini budak kecik kan kasik pusing kepala lah :p:p:p  …. Since I am quite busy with my cakes from raya until todate I had to postpone all my blog postings, picture editing, blog walking and many other stuff I always do. I haven’t completed my ledger which all the receipts has to be back dated from early of the year!!! And I did went for traditional treatment for my cancer here where the treatment is in a form of exercise training like “silat” and “yoga” slow movement with breathing techniques, look simple but God knows lah how though the training is huuhuhuhuhu… 1st session had to be 12 days straight and after completion will have to maintain it twice a week. As for me, I am suppose to be in training for atleast 6 months but for general health twice a week is sufficient enough. Insyaallah, kita usaha dan tawakal kepada Allah.

Back to the actual posting topic yang I nak tulis sebenarnya nih hehhehehe.. about my diet lah :p lately kan I sibuk sangat dengan my cakes and traveling so I hardly have time to cook. Everytime I makan kat luar I rasa guilty.. all those greasy deep fried food mostly, charcoal grill, instant noodles etc buat I rasa health conscious. So I decided to just get some vegetable kat cold storage and make myself some nice healthy meals.. well, its not diet proof lah but sihat enough for me to eat. I use olive oil, fresh ingredients, no perservatives, no MSG, less salt and sugar and definitely CLEAN!! Hehe..
I made grilled Dory fish with herbs and lemon baked with fresh carrot and serve with garlic pasta in olive oil and some baby spinach. The next day I made stir fried Dory fish with little herbs and seasonings and served on a plate of salad and toasted oats bread. And on weekend I treat myself with some nice NON-diet meal; paprika chicken serve with full-cream mashed potato and salad. Haiya sedap betul hehehhehe…
Meet all of you in my recipe section yah heheheh…