Lately I get back pain always… why? Coz I dah jarang lepak at my SOHO anymore.. I lebih banyak baring kat katil jer senang for me sebab Diya always bug me suruh duduk dekat ngan dia especially when she play “tea time”.. but bila dia leka ngan her toys I duduk lah balik kat kerusi tu buat kerja.. kerja aper? Ha sila lah read my earlier posting yer :p :P :P.. but by the time she notice im not near her, mula lah tarik-tarik tangan until at one time asal I gerak jer she say NO!! I gerak sikit lagi she shout again NO..NO..NO!! hahahaha… sikecik nih dah pandai instructing us the elderly hehehe.. and so, the long hours in bed lama-lama buat I sakit pinggang and selalu lenguh kaki! Yeah, I use lots of PILLOW but still pinggang rasa mcm keropok dah hehe..
Then I teringat IKEA! Ha, Ikea tu dulu I ader nampak laptop holder! Rm19.9o kalau tak salah.. there is another version too rm69.00 .. naaaaah.. I don’t need expensive one lah I dah ader meja untuk buat kerja, cukup boleh alas kat peha dah la and I tak payah nak bongkok too often lagi..
On Saturday morning my BFF Debbie called ajak I coffee-coffee and she was already in IKEA; terus I say bie, belikan aku laptop holder yg rm19.90 tu, later I meet you I will pay you back :p .. then bila sampai jer they were already at the frame section but missed to get the thing I wanted.. alahai.. malasnyer nak patah balik.. place was so packed! Ok lah lain kali jer lah I beli (told myself dalam hati lah :p). Sunday morning I woke up early took car keyes and straight to the mall, sampai jer Ikea dah bukak, grab the loan yellow bag, selit sana sini ikut all shortcut to the computer/office section and terus grab the laptop holder tu. Ader dua version, one with cushion and costs a lot more.. dah la yang murah je dah cukup hehe.. like bie reminded me over coffee semalam: sue everytime u think of buying any crap just remember me haha.. with all the money you can buy insurance for Diya! Remember insurance very important tau! Hahaha… ya ya bie, I know.. now I belanja ikut what I need je lah :p :p :p
So balik rumah very happy and I terus blog bout this.. hehe.