Diya ni kelakar lah… kita nak basuh kereta dia pun sibuk nak cuci jugak.. Ha! Tengok gaya dah macam cerita cuci-cuci services the series je kan?? Hehhehe…well, tu lah my baby Diya Zafeerah and at almost 3 years old.. very the ‘kepochi’ lah.. aper kita buat dia pun sibuk nak buat hehehe.. but again, good lah to see her like that.. means she’s is active and normal and not passives. Alhamdulillah, I am gifted with a beautiful and lovely baby girl and funny too! She is my strength.. I must be strong for her.
few days back I did some cupcakes for desert for my mom’s guests and Diya LOVES them! I made butter cupcakes with strawberry buttercream and double chocolate cupcakes with mocha buttercream. Diya went; Hmmm… Shedappp! Sampai 3 pieces Diya makan hari tu sampai myself naik risau coz she has eczema and too much of da cakes will definitely trigger her allergy.. so far soo good.. that night she slept well with mild scratching jer.
So today I decided to make another batch for her only that this time I made petite sizes! Perfect fit for her small n cute mouth heheheh.. sekali ngap jer dia makan! I also did thought her to lick the cream using her fingers hehehhehe… simply for the sake of having FUN lah! After all she is a small kid kan???