Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Learning something new…

This is what I have been learning lately. Something new added to my hobby, now I can write and have nice pictures on my writings too… so I plan to learn more on photography after this and hopefully one day I can afford to have a bigger nicer camera for my new thing eheheh…

I can never think of my self to learn photo editing or even take nice pictures but now, thanx to technology now I can learn faster way by having online tutorials… thanx to my dear fren Debbie and OD for guiding me sooo much!

I am sooooo HAPPY!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009



Lately I have been thinking a lot…. Something is missing… I don’t know… I worry on so many things... I feel i'm doing well in my business but I feel ader yg tak cukup lagi… I bake a lot these days, nice n more of new things but… there is always a BUT… then I see myself in the mirror… hmmm… my dressing I feel ok dah... I LOVE to wear short dress with tights now and I think they are quite fashion and suits me yg ader anak nih eheheheh… but… masih ader yg tak kena… i got myself a hair cut also just in case i think my appearence yg tak kena, the 'but' is still there... almost everything I akan rasa ader yg tak kena... aper yer? Maybe I worry too much bout my business? Or Diya doesn’t get enough of my attention? I don’t cook proper food? I never complete my house chores? I don’t know…

The other day I saw my SAHM fren got an interview with TV3 on a ‘carik duit lebih’ topic and i’m sooooo amazed how she can handle her home, family and online business so smoothly? Whats her secret? But I know shes a very hardworking person since school.

Maybe I feel I’m not successful enough? I mean in every ways? I can’t be perfect, can I? so much more for me to learn things… so many things for me to venture in yet so limited time I have… getting myself organized is the most important thing perhaps…

I still cant figure out what is the 'BUT'

Monday, 3 August 2009

Mom’s Day out Again…

Mom’s Day out Again…

Its been soooo long since my last post here.. dunno Y I felt difficulties to write lately… too bz with cakes? To stress with house chores? I don’t know… so the other day Debbie call me up and say, sue… u definitely need a break… get out from da house! Come to shah alam and will not take NO for an answer… so then I went. Fetch her and damian from her place and off we go to subang parade (da nearest mall)..

We had lunch at Dave’ Deli (haven’t eaten there in da longest time!) I used to eat there all da time when I was still studying in UM doin my accountancy degree, with my books and paper sitting there alone ehehehhe.. but now, me and my baby pulak makan kat saner… ehehehe..

We all later went ‘jalan-jalan’ around da mall simply window shopping and to let da kids run around! Damian can walk already and diya has started running lately ehehehe so they look soooo funny trying to catch each other around ahahahah…

Later we all had coffee, I mean mommies only and cookies and chocolate drinks for our kids ehehehe.. Damian and Diya shared their food again… and we mommies had our chats for hours ehehehe…

Great Day We All Had…