Hello people.... I'm Sue. Here is a little bit of my background;
I'm a very happy person and i like to make new friends. I'm a Malaysian and staying in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. the reason for me to have this blog is that since I became a full time mommy i always have things to share with my friends and i end up text messaging them tho they hardly reply on time. I tend to forget that most of them are working and can't reply me all the time. So I decided to have my own blog so i can always write what ever i have in my mind or something interesting happened during the day and maybe other people that have the same lifestyle as mine can share their experience here.
I have a bachelor degree in accounting from one of the best University in Malaysia (University of Malaya) but my passion has always been BAKING hehehe... I love to bake and since now I'm no longer working i bake cute cup cakes during my spare time and most of my friends will order from me for their weekends activity or parties... Sometimes i do envy my friends with their glamorous jobs and promising career. every time i see their pictures or hear from them especially bout their off thingy, i will think am i doing the right thing? will i regret myself for not working? i still do have this questions on my head. maybe if i get to know other full time mommies i wont get stress out so much bout me making the biggest mistake by not working. sometimes i think that i struggled so much to get my Degree and now I'm like wasting it. but to think again i know somebody that has a PhD but she is still a full time mother n focus on her only daughter. but than again she go herself a rich husband heheheh..
I now have a beautiful baby girl Diya Zafeerah aged 1 year and 3 months and she is now walking, walking and more walking. All she does the whole day beside sleep that is; walking. She has a favourite habit of biting the ears of her toy cat. its a soft pillow i got for her on the day I knew I'm having a baby girl. She is so attached to it as all of you can see in the picture hehehe... She is very generous with it too, share the toy cat with me all the time and sometimes she tried to give it to my Persian cats in the cage every time they make noise maybe trying to tell them her toy cat can make them feel better hahahahaha... At first its super difficult for me to take care of her alone but i realize now that the time pass by so fast and she is so grown up already. I took care of her by myself since she is 2 weeks old. Everything i do myself; the house, cooking, groceries, my lovely baby etc.... Well... I don't think a maid is good for me tho sometimes i am short in hand. I do need the exercise as i need to loose another 9kg daaaaa...
So, everyday my routine is wake up in the morning prepare breakfast but most of the time i have breakfast at the mall because I'm staying like 5 Min's away from shopping malls. Its just me and baby so what's with the trouble to cook early in the morning. I will entertain my baby; Diya (that's what we call her at home) let her play at the play land or sometimes just let her walk in the mall till she gets tired. The mall is very mother and baby friendly, baby rooms are kept clean at all times, they have family parking space and long flat escalator for people to push their strollers so i have no problem in handling Diya there as long its not hot and she gets her milk anytime she wants everything will be ok. On the way back home she will fall asleep in the car and will last for few hours. that is the time for me to start my house chores, cook lunch and also check my emails, oh and now write in my blog heheheh.. By the time she wakes up its just nice for me to feed her lunch and play with her again while i hang to dry the laundry or prepare things for me to cook dinner. But one thing for sure i NEVER leave Diya alone. If i need to be outside I'll let her play her mini tricycle near me. If i need to be in the kitchen i will let her play in her ball pool near me or let her play colourful magnets on the fridge. I always bring Diya with me everywhere i go. I remember last time when i really need to go bathroom i have to carry her with me hahahaahaa...
I don't really understand why people need to have a maid especially whom lets the maid do EVERYTHING with their baby. Every time I'm at the mall i always see young mothers walking with their hubby but the maid handling the baby and carry things all the time. Its very different with the matsalleh where they carry their babies(i mean few children they have) with them all the time and still sit by the coffee shop having nice conversations with friends and family while their older kids play nearby and babies in their arms or strollers.
Yeah, i understand that now I'm a mother i cant always look nice all the time and handle everything but that's the sacrifice we mothers have to make la so we can raise a child isn't it? I hardly wear glamorous clothes now, only comfortable tops and jeans so i can be active with Diya as well. no more nice hair all the time but still i clip my hair up and look nice. I bring Diya to the movies, have lunch and sometimes dinner, join her at the play land or just about everything i do with her. Maybe different person think differently bout things la eh?
Neways, now that i already have a new thing to do which is write in here, i hope it will make me happier and able to meet new people with same interests to share things. i plan to write all the recipes on my daily cookings, tips how i manage being a housewife especially in taking care my lovely baby Diya and also any stories i find interesting to share with.